06 September 2011

Doa untuk Pasangan Hidup

Waktu itu saya pernah post tentang doa seorang wanita yang meminta pasangan hidup.. kali ini saya akan postingkan doa untuk pasangan hidup baik dari sisi pria atau pun wanita (in english). berdasarkan blog yg saya baca, doa ini adalah doa dari Grace dan Steven yg pada akhirnya mereka tulis pada buku mereka, "Tuhan Masih Menulis Cerita Cinta". jadi pengen cari bukunya.. lom ketemu2..
semoga doa ini bisa menjadi pedoman buat kita yang masih mendoakan seorang pasangan hidup dari Tuhan.. o ya, di sini juga ada bbrp link yg terhubung ke blog yg menurut sy cukup bagus juga.. enjoy it! :)

Prayer for a Man

I pray for a man, that will be a part of my life
A man that really loves YOU more than everything
A man that will put me in the second place of his heart
A man that lives not for himself but for YOU
The most important is
I want a heart that really loves and thirsty of YOU
So his life is not useless
Someone that has a wise heart
Not only a smart brain
A man that not only loves me but also respect me
A man that not only adores me
But can warn me when I am wrong
A man that loves me not because of my beauty
But my heart
A man that can be my best friend
In every time and situation
A man that makes me feel like a woman
when I am beside him

I do not ask for a perfect man
But I ask for an imperfect man

A man that needs my prayer for his life
A man that needs my smile to cover his sadness
A man that needs my love so he feels being loved
A man that needs me to make his life beautiful

And I also ask
Make me be a woman that can make him proud
Give me a heart that really LOVES YOU
So I can love him with Your Love
Not love him with my love
Give me Your gentle spirit
So my beauty does not come from outside
But comes from YOU
Give me Your hands
That I always be able to pray for him

So I can see many good things in him
And not the bad one
Give me Your mouth
that is filled with Your words
of wisdom and encouragement
So I can support him everyday
Give me Your lips
And I will smile at him every morning

And I want that when we finally meet
Both of us can say
How great Thou Art
I know that You want us to meet at the right time
Dan berikut ini adalah doa yang dari sisi pria.. :)

Prayer for a Woman

Dear God in heaven
Holy is Your name
Thank You for raising me up until this day
I have been very blessed
to be able to know You,
to be saved by You,
And I'm thankful for whatever I endure
in this world so far
Both the good and the bad
it was Your plan

Dear God
Today, let me utter this cry, this hope
God, this is my prayer
But if it is not, please show me Your ways

(My needs)
God, You know my need of a life partner,
someone, just one woman, to be my wife
I need someone with whom I will build a
family that will serve You everyday (Joshua 24:15)
I need someone that when we both together,
we will be more effective to serve You (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
Since the beginnings You've said
And You know inside out the every reason
why it is not good for me to be alone
The passion to relate with the opposite gender
that You have installed in me is so strong
I don't want to burn in passion
like what Your apostle Paul advised us (1 Corinthians 7:9)
Because love is as strong as death (Song of Songs 8:6)

(My requests)
Your servant is weak and tired Lord
that I have endured since many years ago
I don't want to divide this heart of mine to
someone not of Your choice anymore
Therefore, please Lord, if possible, that the
next one will be the final one

The one who fears You and put You as
number one and I'm number two (Proverbs 31:30)
The one who can accept me as what I am
as You have love the church (Ephesians 5:25-31)
The one who will love me back in return (Ephesians 5:22-24)

She may or may not known to me
at the moment
Tell me Lord
Let me know that she is Your choice for me
Tell her Lord
Let her know that I am Your choice for her
Let the feelings towards each other grow

(My worries, about myself)
But God
my character, my vision, my self
will she be able to accept that?
I have many very bad characters
will she be able to accept that?
Can she accept me as what I am?

God, I still have many other reasons to worry
And I'm really worried

(My worries, about her)
I hope that I can find a wife of noble character,
but who can find her? (Proverbs 31:10)
She will also carries her family background,
her character, her vision, her self
Will her vision be compatible with mine?
I think I'm tolerable enough,
but can I fully accept her character as she is?

God, I still have many other reasons to worry
And I'm really worried

(Lessons learned)
But God
You have allowed me to learn the process of a relationship
with all those that I've endured
You have been with me always
During all the happiness and all the bitterness
I have learned that it takes more than just feelings
towards each other
It also takes more than just sacrifices
And therefore I should not worry too much
about all those things
Because I know, You will always be with me
This time, we will always keep you in our plan

(The Hope)
So please God
When You finally let me meet her
And our marriage receives Your favor
(Proverbs 18:22)

On that day, I will say to her:
"You are bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" (Genesis 2:23)
"Now, let both of us do great things for Him in the future"

(Closing statements)
Finally, don't worry God
You will still be number one and she will be number two
And I believe that she will be fine with that =)

In Jesus name I've prayed
Please answer this prayer in Your time
And give Your servant a heart
Thank You
* terinspirasi menuliskan ini di blog setelah membaca blog nya ladesman *

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